Tuesday, July 31, 2018


                                             <TIME MANAGEMENT>

(1)The Definition Of Time Management 

Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your
time between specific activities.Good time management enables you to work
smarter,not harder.Failing to manage your damages your effectiveness and causes stress.

(2)Time Management Tips

>Set Goals:There's a right and wrong way to set a goals.If your don't set your own goals min the right way,you will miss the proper target and it can drag you to fall off track.When you set your own goals,make sure you have powerful deep down meaning to achieve them.

>Good Time Management:One of the tips for managing our time is find the right system to actually do it.You also can make a timetable to manage your time effectively.You also have the enough time to make a revision and you have enough time to do something else.

>Audit Your Time For Seven Days Straight:Spend seven days straight on how you spend the time you do have right now.What are you doing?Record it in your own journal and split it up into the block form of 30 minutes or an hour.You must determine that does your time is wasted or not.At the end of seven days,tally up all the numbers.Using this method you can figured out where did you spend the most time.

(3)The Advantages Of Time Management:

(4)The Disadvantages Of Time Management:  


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