Wednesday, August 1, 2018



Memory is essentially the capacity for storing retrieving information.Three processes are involved in memory:
  • encoding
  • storage
  • retrieval                                                                                 
All these memory processes determine whether something is remembered or forgotten.


Processing information into memory is called encoding.People automatically encode some types of information without being aware of it.For example,most of the people can recall where they ate lunch yesterday even though they didn't try to remember this information.


After the information enters the human brain,it has to be stored or maintained.


Retrieval is the process of getting information out of memory.Retrieval cues are stimuli that help the process of retrieval.Retrieval cues include associations,context and mood.

                                 <MEMORY STRATEGIES>                                                 

For me,it will be more easier to memorize information when you break it up into small chunks.You may not realize it but you use chunking often.For example,when you try to memorize your friend's number phone,a locker combination and your account password.It's easier to remember long numbers when you "chunk" them into more smaller groups.

(2)Graphic Organizer

These method can help you see thing that you are trying to learn.They help organize information.There are many different types of graphic organizer and you can even design them yourself.For examples,you can draw web for the main topic and details and Venn Diagram for comparing and contrasting.


Acronyms is a word made up from the first letters of a list of words.You can take the list of words or facts that you want to remember and put them in an order so that the first letters of each word,spell a real word or a made-up word.

(4)Playing Games

Playing some games is a great way to memorize information.You see,as you play the game you are learning the material and practicing it over and over again.Games is well known that can help you remember facts,formulas,definition and any other information easily.


(1)Drink a lot of mineral water to give my brain some oxygen and can prevent me from being sleepy during lecturer.

(2)Eat some mint candies.

(3)Chit chat with my friend besides me.


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